During the year, there’s a number of events coordinated with the help of our Legion, Sons, and Auxiliary. members. We can only offer these because of the support and generosity of our Post members. Here’s a few events that tend to be annual. Always read the newsletter for more information or visit the calendar for an updated schedule of what’s happening around our Post. Volunteers (like you) are always needed to support our programs.
THURSDAY NIGHT DINNERS – The Club features Thursday Night Dinners, generally from 5-6;30pm. Check the newsletter, calendar, and whiteboard as you enter the club for an up-to-date menu and serving times.
QUEEN OF HEARTS PROGRESSIVE 50/50 RAFFLE – Each 2nd/4th Wednesday of the Month, the Auxiliary sponsors this popular raffle. Tickets are $2 each and can be purchased up to 5:30pm that night. The Drawing is at 6:00pm. For more information on how the Queen is played, click here. You can also follow the Queen’s Jackpot, see pix of our Queen(s) and her royal subjects on the 154 Queen of Hearts Facebook page.
TORNADO CHICKEN BBQ - Periodically, the Sons feature a Tornado Chicken BBQ, featuring great food, 50/50 raffles, and basket raffles. If you would like to help cook or help on activities for Tornado Chicken, please contact the Sons. And by the way, talk to a member for the story of how this event became known as “Tornado Chicken”!
LEGION POST 154 ANNUAL GOLF OUTING – Annually, American Legion Post 154 holds a golf tournament to support local veterans who served our country in countless ways. This benefits local military veterans, their families, and other groups/organizations that support the missions outlined in the four pillars of the American Legion: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Speak to a Legionnaire on getting involved/supporting this main fundraiser of the American Legion Post 154. See the June or September Newsletter for information on last year's (September 2024) Golf Outing. If you are interested in helping with the 2025 Golf Outing, please contact Bill Charon.
DONATION SUPPORT FOR PARKVIEW SCHOOLS – We have aligned to help the students at Parkview Elementary with school supplies, as well as seasonal clothing for students. Watch for information in the newsletter on what’s needed. We also feature drop-off bins in the Post Club for school supplies throughout the year.
POPPY DAYS – In May of each year, the Auxiliary coordinates a Poppy Donation Drive at a local supermarket. Volunteers are needed for this. Other Poppy fundraising activity is often coordinated throughout the year. All funds raised through our Poppy Program efforts goes directly to assist local veterans. There is also a Poppy Donation Drop Box in the Post Club near the Jukebox. Our veterans can benefit from your extra change/dollars throughout the year.
CEMETARY FLAGGING – Each May, our Auxiliary places flags on the graves of veterans in one of the local cemeteries before Memorial Day. This is a great opportunity to be of service and work with others in our Post as we recognize veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom. For more information, see the April/May newsletter or contact an Auxiliary member
CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY – The Children’s Christmas party is coordinately by the Auxiliary and usually held on a December Saturday; there’s a minimal cost per child to attend. The party features fun, games, food, snacks, and a visit from Santa (with a personalized gift) for each registered child.
If you have an idea for a fundraiser, speak to a member of the Legion, Sons, or Auxiliary. Remember—we need ideas—but we also need the support of people who are going to help make it into a successful event. Volunteers can always be outside of our post or the Legion ‘family’.